Sunday, March 27, 2011

Manager, not an Entrepreneur?

My results from the "entrepreneurship aptitude" question from Bo Peabody's Lucky or Smart...

Peabody's Question: When you look up at a cloud, which of the following best describes your thoughts?
My answer (option E): "Gee, I wonder exactly how a cloud is formed"

By the way, I laughed out loud when I saw option E. I was NOT expecting that to be one of the options. My immediate response was "Holy s*** this book knows me."

Anyway, on to Bo Peabody assessment of my answer: "You may not be an entrepreneur, or even entrepreneurial, but you most likely have a knack for managing a business... Chances are you are a manager, not an entrepreneur."

Harsh but insightful nonetheless. I don't ascribe to his claim that "entrepreneurs are born, not made," so I am certainly taking this with a grain of salt, but I've actually been wrestling with this general topic of being an entrepreneur vs. biz dev guru for a while. Either way, there's plenty of time to figure that out. One step at a time :)

Although... it did please me to see that I'm apparently doing something right: "If you answered E... you should go to a training program at an investment bank like Morgan Stanley, or to a management-consulting firm like Bain."